The liability of Chattanooga motorcycle defects and recalls is no small matter in the face of a catastrophic injury. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration announces their safety recalls on their website. There is also a toll-free number to call for updated information. The recalls typically include information about the defective vehicle, the defective part in question, and areas of the motorcycle that are affected. Most importantly, it includes instructions for how to get it fixed. Most often, owners of motorcycles would be notified directly by manufacturers by mail.
It is important to keep your registration information up to date with their address so that the manufacturers do have the ability to notify you of a recall directly by mail. Read on to learn more about what goes into the liability of Chattanooga motorcycle defects and recalls, as well as how these manufacturing mistakes could affect your ability to collect injury compensation today.
When a rider’s injury is the direct result of the motorcycle manufacturer and the manufacturer’s substandard conditions or parts, they will be entitled to compensation. Manufacturers, for reckless disregard in the design and manufacturing, will be held accountable for the injuries that these defects cause. Manufacturers must not act grossly negligent when putting such complicated and dangerous products like motorcycles into the stream of commerce. If they act in such a way, all parties that are injured by this disregard for product design and manufacturing condition of a substandard nature will be held accountable.
A public report is a document that manufacturers must file with NHTSA upon discovering a defect. NHTSA requires manufacturers to file these reports once safety issues or defects are discovered by the manufacturer. The report will state which vehicle or vehicles are involved in the recall and the safety issues that this product defect can cause. This will give riders the ability to identify what they are at risk for. The report must also provide details about the issue and the event that led the manufacturer to learn about the risk.
These details might include previous accidents, injuries, or deaths that were the result of the defect or safety issue within the report. Manufacturers must also describe how they will remedy this defect for the safety issue and then provide a schedule for the recall for replacing or repairing the defective part or safety issue. Failure to file this report could increase a manufacturer’s liability of Chattanooga motorcycle defects and recalls.
A defect can turn catastrophic anytime when someone is riding a motorcycle. A manufacturer may not even know of the defect, because if the manufacturer does not know there is not yet a recall. It is best to know their motorcycle and be familiar with the way it feels, sounds, and the way it starts and stops.
If something about the bike an individual is riding does not seem right, they should find a safe place to pull over and inspect the problem area. A rider is the first line of defense in their own safety in preventing the motorcycle defect from becoming a catastrophic injury. In the case where it causes serious harm to another, a rider will need the help of an experienced injury attorney as soon as possible.
If you have questions regarding the liability of Chattanooga motorcycle defects and recalls, do not hesitate to reach out to a professional injury lawyer today for your initial consultation.