If you are facing a drug possession charge, it is in your best interest to retain legal counsel who you feel could fight for your rights and help your reach a favorable outcome. The consequences of a Chattanooga drug possession charge or conviction could impact your life immediately and influence the rest of your life. Do not let an honest mistake do this to you, contact a lawyer who could help today.
The consequences for a conviction for drug possession in Chattanooga, Tennessee could leave an individual with a lifetime of personal and economic problems. These ramifications extend to:
What many people do not realize is that a conviction for a drug possession charge makes them seem less-than-credible. People may associate this person with less-than-savory criminal activity, even if the charge and conviction was an honest mistake.
Under Tennessee law, an individual’s first conviction for possessing narcotics is treated as a misdemeanor and is often not reported on their criminal history. Other alternative sentencing programs include a pre-trial diversion program, which results in a dismissal of the individual’s charges in exchange for their completion of a course of treatment, community service, self-improvement classes, or other requirements to demonstrate that they are proactively trying to atone for their mistake.
Other options available for first offenders include the First Offender Act, which allows people to enter a plea of guilty and be sentenced to a period of probation, but the judge does not enter their conviction into the system. If individuals successfully complete the term of probation and any other requirements, often including treatment, community service, and paying fines, the court throws out their conviction and their guilty plea and makes the records unavailable to the public.
The first thing that individuals should know about drug possession law in Chattanooga is that drug possession charges are serious offenses that require legal assistance to navigate. The consequences of a Chattanooga drug possession conviction are simply too great to not obtain a lawyer to advocate for them when facing such charges. The second thing to know is that with the proper help, there is often a way out of a lifetime of consequences for a drug possession charge in Chattanooga. Thirdly, individuals should do their research and make sure that they trust the attorney they hire to help them with their case. Speak with several lawyers, become familiar with their practices, and ask them difficult questions about their case and their experience handling such cases. With the proper approach, individuals can find the right legal representation to help them through a difficult time.
When facing a charge for drug possession, the anxiety you feel is normal. Depending on your case, you may be eligible for first offender treatment, and with the help of a lawyer, you could demonstrate to the court that your arrest was a one-time ordeal. Even if this is not the first time you are facing such a charge, a lawyer could help you take proactive steps that could mitigate the consequences of a drug possession conviction in Chattanooga. Reach out to a lawyer for help today.