Gaining access to adoption records in Chattanooga can be a difficult process, especially if you are looking to get extensive information. However, it is possible with the help of a skilled adoption attorney. A lawyer could walk you through the process to file with the court and submit the proper and necessary paperwork.
Non-identifying information is often seen in appellate cases. If the trial court grants an adoption and the parent whose rights were terminated wants to appeal the agreement, they have a right to access the available information. However, the record on appeal often does not give any identifying information on the child to protect their identity.
If an individual wants to unseal the records, they should have an adoption attorney present to help them through the process and file the proper petition. A skilled lawyer could also help the individual give substantial reasons to unseal and review the record to potentially persuade the court.
Further, if the individual has not obtained consent for the disclosure of the information, they must go directly to the judge who had granted the adoption or to the court.
The motive to review the adoption records must be appropriate, and the court must also be convinced that it would not be harmful to the adoptee whose records are in question. For example, if the child had a tumultuous family life prior to their adoption and the person trying to unseal the records was part of that, their request may be denied.
An adoptee or the adoptive parents can choose to release the information to a third party, as long as mutual consent is present. Because the adoptee is the one releasing their own records, a court cannot stop them from doing so.
When an adoption is finalized, the new parent or parents are added to the child’s birth certificate to satisfy legal regulations. The court then sends the copy of the adoption order in a certified manner to the Department of Human Services, who then issues the new certificate as they would if a child were just born. This birth certificate process typically occurs within 90 days after the adoption is finalized.
The original birth certificate may not be available, but the adoptee or the adoptive parents can request that the certificate be reissued through the Department of Human Services. A lawyer with experience in these cases could also help if necessary, to properly follow the process.
If you are interested in gaining access to adoption records in Chattanooga, call a dedicated attorney for assistance. The process can be complicated and frustrating to go through alone, but a local lawyer could help confirm that you are following the proper steps and abiding by the regulations to successfully gain access.