
Ringgold Sex Crimes Lawyer

Some of the most serious criminal accusations that a person could face involve allegations of sexual misconduct. These can range in severity from incidents involving a non-consensual kiss or hug, to alleged rape. In every case, it is vital that individuals create a robust defense, as a conviction can result in a lengthy jail sentence and permanent registration as a sex offender.

A Ringgold sex crimes lawyer may be able to help. Regardless of the exact nature of the charges, an attorney could help protect a person’s Constitutional rights, evaluate the strength of the prosecutor’s case, and present a defense case to create reasonable doubt for the jury.

Sex Crimes that are Misdemeanors

The less severe sex crime charges are misdemeanors. A conviction for one of these offenses could result in the payment of up to a $1,000 fine, one year in jail, or both. These consequences are still severe and will have permanent ramifications, so working with a dedicated attorney may be the best way to prevent long term consequences.

One prominent example of a misdemeanor sex crime is sexual battery. Under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated §16-6-22.1, this involves any intentional contact with the intimate parts of another’s body without their consent. Typically, this can include touching over clothes. Convictions here are a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. However, the age of the alleged victim can raise the seriousness of this offense to the level of a felony.

Other clear examples of sexual offenses that are misdemeanors include:

  • Public indecency
  • Prostitution
  • Giving massages in a place used for prostitution

A Ringgold sex crimes attorney could help people facing allegations of misdemeanor sex crimes to fight their cases in court or to come to fair plea deals in the hopes of avoiding jail time.

Felony Sex Crimes in Ringgold

Unfortunately for many people, the allegations of sex crime they are facing are felonies. These are cases where a conviction is likely to result in a multiple-year prison sentence that may include a prosecutor seeking the death penalty. In addition, even a release from prison will require them to to register as a sex offender. As a result, a conviction for a felony sex crime will follow a person for the rest of their life.

The most egregious of these offenses is rape. A person commits rape if they have sexual intercourse with a female against her will or when the female is under the age of ten. Interestingly, this statute only applies to men, and women cannot commit rape under the language of the statute. Instead, women may face charges of aggravated sexual battery under O.C.G.A. §16-6-22.2. Other felony-level sex crimes include statutory rape, incest, and child molestation. A Ringgold sex crimes attorney could help to fight back against allegations of felony-level sex crimes no matter what the exact charge is.

Let a Ringgold Sex Crimes Lawyer Help You

Every criminal accusation in Ringgold can bring serious consequences for a defendant. However, few other accusations are as severe as those involving sex crimes. Even relatively minor accusations such as those of indecent exposure can bring harsh penalties for a conviction. The most serious examples can result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

A Ringgold sex crimes lawyer may be able to help develop a defense designed to protect your rights and to create reasonable doubt at trial. Reach out to a dedicated defense lawyer today to see how they might be able to help you.

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